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Awesome Insight to Variable Speed and Two-Stage Furnaces

warm house

Variable Speed and Two-Stage Furnaces will help you save even more money!

At Natural Choice Heating and Cooling, we ensure that we give you all the information needed to help improve the air quality in your home or facility, while saving you as much money as possible!

Let’s look into this option…

There are many great benefits of Variable Speed and Two-Stage Furnaces that will improve the comfort levels of your family or staff.

We all want the ultimate comfort, the quietest sound, and the best air quality, while running the most efficient machines in our home or facilities! 


  • Effectively controls airflow, providing better temperatures, air distribution and humidity control.
  • Better cleans the air in your home or office. When your fan is running, the motor slowly circulates air, making your air filters capture more debris and particles.
  • Ensures quieter operation. With your furnace slowly climbing up to speed it eliminates the blast of start up air.
  • Uses 2/3 LESS electricity while performing better and more efficiently. During cooling, this system gains roughly 1 SEER (Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio). The higher the SEER, the lower your energy bills will be! 


variable speed and two-stage furnaces

Variable Speed Furnace: What are they?

It’s simple! (not really…) But it delivers the perfect amount of air for perfect heating and cooling comfort.

“Variable Speed” refers to the actual blower motor that resides inside your furnace. An ECM (Electronically Commutated Motor) is a direct current motor that works using built-in inverters and magnet rotors, allowing them to achieve greater efficiency that other AC motors.

Achieving greater efficiency, ECM’s provide low maintenance and reduce overall operating costs. Of course, with things that save you money in the long run, there is an increased initial cost that is worth it!

How do they work?

Variable speed blower motors run at a different speeds to control the heated or cooled airflow throughout your home or office. With better airflow, that means you get a closer balance of temperature and humidity.

With technology that is so advanced these days, data is monitored from your HVAC system and makes adjustments necessary for your comfort. If your filters are dirty or blocked, your system will know to increase the fan speed keeping your air consistent.


Two-Stage Furnaces: What are they?

Two-stage furnaces operate even more efficiently than a single, providing the perfect amount of heat, efficiently satisfying your home or office needs.

A two-stage furnace is quieter as it doesn’t operate at 100% capacity every time it runs which is great for a home that occupies skittish animals or a company that has important meetings that don’t need loud interruptions.

It’s better for the environment! It creates less carbon dioxide emissions! 

How do they work?

When the outside temperatures becomes extremely cold (which is highly likely in Our wonderful Country of Canada) and the first-stage is not sufficient enough to keep your home or office warm, the second stage kicks on providing the additional heat to keep your family and staff comfortable.

Two-stage furnaces prove their effective efficiency the most on days that are neither hot or cold, remaining on the low stage and provide more comfort due to steady airflow.

So, if you are looking into a new gas furnace, then variable-speed and two-stage furnaces would be a great option!

We hope you enjoyed this informative post! Stay tuned for others.

For more information on the gas furnaces we offer, click here! 


As an owner-operated local company that has been in business for over 19 years, we are proud to accept Homestars ‘Best of’ Award for our 12th consecutive year in a row. Here’s to a great year, and many more to come.