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Lennox Signature Series SL18XC1

Always at peak efficiency Since it offers a SEER efficiency rating of up to 18.50, the SL18XC1 can save you hundreds of dollars per year in energy bills, even through the hottest summers. Lennox Signature Series SL18XC1 The quietest and most efficient single-stage air conditioner you can buy*  Solar ready, for the highest possible energy …


Affordable, efficient cooling for your entire home. With energy efficiencies of up to 13 SEER*, the 13ACX delivers ideal comfort and money-saving efficiency in one neat, affordable package. Lennox MERIT Affordable, efficient cooling for your entire home. 13 ACX SINGLE-STAGE AIR CONDITIONER A smart choice for affordable, efficient comfort The 13ACX offers an efficiency rating …

Navien S-Series Tankess

Navien ComfortFlow® is the first and only system that incorporates a built-in insulated buffer tank and recirculation pump. The buffer tank eliminates the “cold water sandwich” effect and issues of minimum flow rates commonly found in other tankless water heaters. NPE-Standard Our standard ultra condensing tankless technology with the industry’s top rated unit for energy …


Navien ComfortFlow® is the first and only system that incorporates a built-in insulated buffer tank and recirculation pump. The buffer tank eliminates the “cold water sandwich” effect and issues of minimum flow rates commonly found in other tankless water heaters. Navien npe-a SERIES TANKLESS WATER HEATER NPE-Advanced The most advanced condensing tankless water heaters in …

Rinnai Condensing Tankless Water Heater RU160 & RU199 SENSI

Rinnai’s condensing tankless water heaters offer all the same benefits builders and homeowners have come to expect. ENERGY STAR® Qualified Condensing Technology for Greater Efficiency and Significant Energy Savings Up to 96% Thermal Efficiency Pre-set at 120°F Natural Gas and Propane Models Available Meets California and Texas NOx Emissions Standards Energy Factor of 0.94 for …